Friday, September 14, 2007

Chakra Khan

It was a funny moment for me last night when my husband made a crack about my chakra, and I said "which one?" and he just kind of looked at me quizzically and said "there's more than one?"

And I laughed. "Yeah," I replied, "there are seven."

He felt I should blog about it - so here I am. I'll talk about the chakras as I have come to know and understand them.

But to 'buy into' the chakra system, you really have to accept the notion that our bodies are energy conduits. If you're particularly spiritual, you might even say that you are entirely made of energy and just housed in flesh.

The energy travels from our base (the base of the spine) to the top of our head (and beyond). And within our bodies there are so-called vortexes. Little centres of gravity which cause our energy to pool in specific locations in the body.

Each "pool" or chakra serves a vital function in our lives. And once you understand what each of them does, they can become a helpful tool in self-diagnosing and healing that which ails you.

Let's start at the bottom and work our way up. And just for fun let's avoid their hard to pronounce Sanskrit names - and keep it real.

The Root Chakra:
Typically associated with the colour red, this chakra is located where the tailbone meets the floor when you sit. It connects you to the earth, grounds you, keeps it real. It's associated with feelings of security, trust, etc.

The Sacral Chakra:
Typically associated with the colour orange and located in the reproductive organs. This one controls sexual function/dysfunction and reproductive functions.

The Emotion Centre:
Located in the solar plexus/stomach and is yellow. It's where we process the baser emotions like fear, excitement, nervousness, anxiety, elatement. Pretty much explains sensations like butterflies, knots in the stomach, and why you want to throw up when you're really scared, shocked, or upset. Also controls digestion, duh.

The Heart Chakra:
A generally green chakra - located in the heart. It controls higher emotions like love, compassion. Controls the immune system. If you're having a hard time with love in your life or are always getting sick, might be time to check in with this one (more on fixing your chakras later).

The Throat Chakra:
Blue, found in the throat. Communication is controlled here, also personal expression. Creativity, I believe, also stems mostly from this chakra (along with others). This is why when you are trying to prevent yourself from crying you might feel a lump in your throat.

The Third Eye Chakra:
It's purpley-blue, and square between the brows. This one is your ability to intuit, sense, and all the fun stuff we associate with 'seeing'. Could also be responsible to your ability to make decisions or 'see' possible outcomes to current decisions you're faced with.

The Crown Chakra:
Generally described as purple-white, the crown chakra is your connection to your higher self and (if you're a believer in a such things) God. It's located at the top of your head and extends upwards.


Even if you're not big into meditation, you can do yourself and your body a whole lotta good by just aligning your chakras from time to time.

Do it when you're about to fall asleep (you're already calm and resting).

Visualize your energy centres - with their colours - in the body. You might even try to feel them light up inside you. In your mind, step back from yourself and take a look - are there any that aren't in line with your centre (in line with the spine)? If so - locate that chakra and imagine moving it back in place.

Or maybe if you're having trouble with one particular chakra - imagine yourself bathed in a light of the corresponding colour. Imagine it replenishing your energy centre and healing it.

And yes, if you haven't made the connection yet - it's all the colours of the rainbow. Your inner little rainbow.

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