Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So many apologies for not blogging today - I'm actually out of town at a business conference and it's sucking the life out of me (good thing I was all filled up with good reiki prior to coming - how else would I survive?). I always talk about this notion of being "on" - in social situations people like myself often feel like they have to put on the good show, smile at everyone, talk to everyone, engage everyone in conversation - indulge extremely shallow topics of discussion... it's all just so empty. But it's protocol. So you do it.

Well after hob-nobbing for a solid 12 hours, having had very little to eat and perhaps a tad too much to drink, I'm definitely feeling like someone switched me off. Power down. Need to regroup.

I will be away all of this week - will try to put sentences together in some kind of meaningful blog entry at some point, but I think all I'm capable of in this mode is talking about how beautiful the weather is. Go on, ask me how beautiful the weather is here in Ottawa. It's bloody gorgeous.

So, in short, sorry for the hiatus this week. I promise I'll have lots of wonderfully magic insights next week.

Thanks for tuning in. Owe you.

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