Thursday, October 11, 2007


I have to laugh that newspapers are reporting on higher incidences of hugging in schools. But what interests me most is that I've never thought about hugging in terms of a "trend" before. But if I had, I would have noticed that the "trend" is not new. It was common practice in my school years, right through high school, to hug people I knew all the time - hug goodbye, hug hello, hug randomly when we shared a moment.

There is something cool and great about a hug, and its ability to break through walls. I wasn't even aware of the fact that some people had greater needs for personal space until university - when I shared housing with someone who didn't really like to be near people. Then - my roommate after university, was someone who wasn't into hugging. So I think through them, I became more acutely aware of my huggy nature, and started reigning in my urges around mixed company. Suddenly hugging became something that some people were "into" and some weren't - and to respect their sense of personal space, I had to wait until they invited the hug.

But thinking back to high school - I hugged everyone. I still mostly do. I love hugging - heart chakra contact - awesome.

Here's a little delight for all of you.

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