Monday, October 29, 2007

Stormy clouds

Had a beautiful but powerful dream last night. Today's APOD Picture of the Day reminds me a little of it (see above).

I was in a pond, a natural springs in the middle of a forest. I was bathing in it - completely immersed. Great winds struck up - started blowing and blowing, bending the trees this way and that. The sky darkened, giant grey whisps of clouds rolled in and it got very cold... But I was just the observer, because somehow, the water remained unmoved by the winds - kept me warm from the cold. I was in the middle of the storm, but not affected.

It was terribly cinematic, reminding me yet again of how much I wish I could paint my dreams. They're so beautiful, so colourful, so vivid. In a way, they're so unlike reality which often smacks of drab - with only hints of true depth. Dreams are like reality intensified, injected with drama and meaning and history.

Anyway - any and all interpretations on the dream above are welcome! Thanks guys. You're the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me, the dream represented being grounded in feelings/water, even though the thoughts (air)/intellectualizing wwe "storming away"...
Perhaps it suggests that your greatest asset and security lies in your heart...

Also that you are in very deep contact with your unconscious/has explored it = which gives you very deep peace even when it storms around you...

The pond also strikes me somehow as something primeval, round...The mother womb...
