Monday, April 28, 2008

A Space to Expand Into..

I had another great reading on Saturday with my favourite psychic, Angie. One thing that came up in relation to my move to the suburbs was this notion of peace.

I love many of the things that the city has to offer - the movie nights with friends, the restaurants, and definitely the big city paychecks. BUT (and this is a big but), I find it hard to breathe here. Not literally, but psychically, spacially. It's like I feel cramped at all times. The minute I leave the city, whether by air, car, train or other, I almost immediately feel my blood pressure drop.

We talked about this and about personal space in general - that sensitive people, people who are open and working on their connection to the sacred, often have extended fields of energy or auric fields, if you will. And the problem with having these big auric fields is that when you're sitting in a cramped streetcar - there are literally 20 people sitting, thinking, talking, venting, crying, laughing, etc. IN YOUR FIELD. This can make you crazy as you cycle through these emotions yourself... feeling the cumulative stress of every single person on the car. And there's a lot of stress on my streetcar - it rolls right through the financial district.

She talked about me needing to make my field smaller - keep it closer to my body and control it a little more in the city.

But the real solution, it was agreed, was for me was to get out of the city - be able to walk to the lake, be in a forest, see the sky (I miss the sky sometimes, the condos do a good job of blocking it out). She said that this would be a life-changing move for me, in that it would renew creative juices and reconnect me with nature. Even having a garden in the backyard would ground me and remind me of what really matters (and it ain't the big city paycheck).

It's amazing how overlooked the value of geography is in our spiritual path. Angie reminded me of how the Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert remarked on Oprah how much her new house has changed her. That after all that traveling, all that prayer, all that meditation, a simple little house can transform a life too.

I feel it will be that way for me too - a little retreat where I can extend my auric field as far as it will go :)

1 comment:

draagonfly said...

I couldn't agree more. Every time I feel my feet getting cold on San Diego I think about how the East coast makes me feel compared to how I felt living out West and my resolve returns. Reminds me of that scene in The Golden Child (Eddie Murphy, circa 1986) where there's a huge chasm between him and his goal. He steps off a ledge and expects to fall straight down the abyss but he doesn't - turns out there's a bridge he couldn't see because of an optical illusion, so he ends up walking right to it. Awesome scene (with a subtext probably lost on many!). :)